THE GREATER THE cooperation between home and school, the more fruitful will the educational effort be and the faster and surer the child’s progress.
Primarily, parents must familiarize themselves with this diary and check it regularly. They must enforce regularity and discipline at home and see that the lessons are prepared and home-work is done by their wards honestly and sincerely. Remarks by the teachers should be seen and countersigned.
Children must come neatly dressed in proper uniform and polished
Parents are advised not to send them to school.
Bullying and using foul language will be treated as acts of indiscipline.
Parents are expected to understand the value and importance of all these functions and are requested to send their wards to participate and witness.
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We invite you to join the BIT Global School community, where education meets excellence, and students are prepared to lead by example in an ever-changing world.
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