School Rules

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School Rules


THE GREATER THE cooperation between home and school, the more fruitful will the educational effort be and the faster and surer the child’s progress.

Primarily, parents must familiarize themselves with this diary and check it regularly. They must enforce regularity and discipline at home and see that the lessons are prepared and home-work is done by their wards honestly and sincerely. Remarks by the teachers should be seen and countersigned.

  1. Students should reach the school well in time. Once the gates are closed they will not be allowed to enter and will be marked absent.
  2. School uniform is compulsory on all school days and at school functions.

Children must come neatly dressed in proper uniform and polished

  1. Parents are not supposed to visit their ward or the teachers in the classroom. Appointment with the Principal and teachers may be made through the pages of this diary. In urgent cases, students may be contacted through the school office. Parents should check the bags of their wards some times.
  2. Children suffering from any infectious disease will not be permitted to attend school, until full recovery, supported by a medical certificate.

Parents are advised not to send them to school.

  1. If parents feel that their child is not making the desired progress, the coordinator concerned may be contacted.
  2. Students are not allowed to bring valuable articles like electronic gadgets, Mobile Phones, watches, ornaments, expensive pens or excessive money to school. The school will not be responsible for any loss. If anyone is found carrying one it will be confiscated.
  3. Please ensure that no sharp, pointed or any other dangerous articles are brought to school. Objectionable reading material is also strictly forbidden. Strict action will be taken against those students found doing so.
  4. Students should take care not to litter the school premises with rubbish or cause any damage to school property. Action will be taken against such offenders.
  5. Shouting, whistling and using abusive language are strictly prohibited.

Bullying and using foul language will be treated as acts of indiscipline.

  1. Elaborate birthday celebrations are not permitted in the school.
  2. Firing crackers and splashing colours or any such activities in the school premises is a gross misconduct. Indulgence in these will result in expulsion from the school.
  3. Students are neither allowed to use the school telephone, mobile phones nor will they be allowed to receive any phone calls.
  4. Parents are requested to attend Parents Teacher Meetings and sign the register. Failure to attend these meetings will compel the school authorities to conclude that parents are not interested in the betterment of their ward’s education.
  5. Wearing of fancy jewellery, Mushroom hair cut etc. is strictly prohibited in the school campus.
  6. Astudent is not allowed to leave the school during the school hours.
  7. Lending or borrowing of money or any other article, selling/buying of any article or collecting any subscription or donation, exchange of gifts on any occasion is not permitted.
  8. The school reserves for itself the right to dismiss a student for unsatisfactory progress or bad conduct and non payment of school fees.
  9. No party dress on birthday is permitted after 5th class.
  10. Writing or scribbling on the walls or causing damage to school property and property of others, will be treated as misconduct. Any such act deserves punishment and recovery of the cost, even if done accidentally.
  11. The school shall not take the responsibility or liability for any unforeseen accident or illness or mishap that may happen to a student during the school hours or while on school trips or school sponsored activities in or outside the school.
  12. It is compulsory for all students to be present on the first day after each & every vacation, short or long.
  13. No leave on any ground will be granted during school function days.

Parents are expected to understand the value and importance of all these functions and are requested to send their wards to participate and witness.

  1. It is compulsory for the student to complete 85% attendance in the academic year to make him/her eligible to sit for the final examination.
  3. Students will be promoted to the next higher class on the basis of their overall class performances in academics in all periodic tests and exams.
  4. Fees of each quarter should be paid regularly, otherwise a fine will be imposed and the student may not be allowed to appear in exams and may be detained in the same class.

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